Congaree National Park–a gorgeous swampland of towering trees, fireflies, and rather crazy camping experiences, apparently. There is so much amazing history and so much wildlife. And there is nothing like sleeping under the stars.
About 11pm we went to bed. As we settled into our tent, that lush feeling of crisp air and a cool sleeping bag rushed over me. It was a clear night, and looking up at the mesh top of the tent, the stars peeked through the delicate trees. But the moment and aforementioned feelings were short lived.
Our camping neighbors thought it would be a rad idea to shine their flashlight into our tent approximately 17,497 times, throw boxes of glass bottles onto the ground, and (my favorite) snap fallen limbs in half–enough for a year’s worth of kindle. And it’s 3am, mind you.
That’s right, four hours of crazy. The infuriating aspect was that several times they seemed to have quieted down, and we drifted into that darling, infant stage of sleep and then BAM!
Strong coffee and cinnamon Pop-tarts were enjoyed in abundance the next morning.
I also happened to lose my wedding band on the way back from the potty in the middle of the neighbor’s wild, super fun party. But thank the Lord I found it shining in the grass lined with dew. Whew. It was quite a camping trip.