Why You Might Have More of a Community Than You Think
A lot of us are moving around these days, making new homes and wanting to make friends who feel like old ones.
“Where are you from?” is a complicated question when cross-cultural experiences flow through your veins and you’ve changed your zip code again.
Whether your moves are military-related, job-related, or otherwise, I want to inspire you to enjoy this beautiful world and make home wherever you are this season.
I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with change. There are changes I enjoy, like traveling or moving to a new place and taking in its culture, quirks, and idiosyncrasies. But feeling lonely and not knowing how to get to the grocery store in my new hometown or village? Those changes make me squirm. Though change can be either good or bad, it also tends to be unnerving.
Nature is continually changing, and so are we. The leaves on the trees and the fine lines near our eyes remind us. When I was a little girl, I would lie in the tall grass in a field near our house and listen to wind stirring the weeds and wildflowers...
I’m so glad you're here! Do you know that feeling of wandering solo in a bookstore or boutique with a cup of your favorite coffee? That’s what I want you to feel when you read the stories and thoughts here—feelings of calm, being inspired, and just touched by the simple joys of loving where you live, even when it’s challenging.
You’ll read interviews with other women on making home in a new place. We'll talk about being not only a consumer but a contributor to your new culture, while being happy with your authentic self. This includes remembering where you were raised and all the places you once lived.
Yep, I’m very nervously scribbling out notes on moving a lot and making a home in the faraway—building community in a new place during this strange time of all that the COVID-19 crisis entails. My husband and I are from what they call “flyover states.” We met on Guam, had our babies in Charleston, South Carolina, and now live in England —our first month involved both a quarantine and then a lockdown. I’m looking for ways to notice beauty, create a good childhood for my toddlers, and build community in spite of the craziness. I am nervous, hopeful, and would love to have you along for the journey.
Prior to last year, there was a lot of hoopla about traveling. Images of the beautiful faraway peppered my social media and magazines. I just wanted to go. There were a lot of cute jokers running around, claiming they didn't need a home--they were fancy-free, the world was their little oyster home. And I watched them with envy, being the mama to two little ones mostly destined to playgrounds and Target. But as I thought about it, I realized even the cute jokers probably appreciated a familiar, warm bed and some homemade cookies in a house lined with old photos and knick knack paraphernalia—a house in a place that was their home.
Ever since I was a little girl, I believed I would live far away from my small Midwestern hometown. And I have! I met my husband on the island of Guam and was able to travel southeast Asia as well as experience a handful of countries on other continents.
Over the years I’ve learned the greatest adventure is not merely seeing and experiencing--it's building a home, a home that honors both past and present cultures and traditions. Who I am as an American from the heartland is forever an important and unchanging part of me. But every place I’ve lived has influenced me, has changed me, and I want my home to always reflect them.
This is not a travel blog; it is a place for you to read stories of making a home in an unfamiliar place, stories and thoughts of gaining flexibility without forgetting your roots. We will look for the beauty, whether it's a tiny flower in the sidewalk or soul-stirring nature scene. This is a place to learn from other women who have joined communities. Even when we are weary of being either the “new girl” or the “leaving girl,” we will rest in the heavy but precious knowledge we will (and should) be changed by the places we've lived. Pieces of our hearts will be scattered all over the place, but paradoxically they will become more and more whole. This is a place for you to share your story as we cheer one another on.
I’m going for wit and whimsy here, because it’s my favorite combination, especially sans pretense. You might find a blog post on why local flowers are important or how reading local literature can completely change and better your experience in your new-to-you home. You might find a blog post on how I ran into a fence the FIRST day I drove in England—who knows?!
Just a heads up, overcompensating by staying too far to the left is not a good idea. Don’t worry, everyone was fine, including the fence. If I'm honest though, the car looks like it was keyed by someone verrry angry. This is where you might imagine eye-rolling and crying emojis. You'd be correct.
But even in the ridiculous and the tear-filled days, I want to notice the beautiful things and carry on when the challenging ones inevitably arise. This world has gone mad, and it can feel overwhelming. I’m trying to stay sharp while noticing the serendipities, and as poet Emily Dickinson wrote, “I don't profess to be profound; but I do lay claim to common sense.” I love that line—especially from a poet. Also from Dickinson:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
It is Hope that propels me. I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ. My motivation for noticing beauty and loving where I live stems from my belief that God is the Creator and Master Artist of this world. It’s such a joy to notice all He has made and grow in friendship with the people around me. Learning from other cultures and realizing there is so much I don’t know has been an uncomfortable aspect of moving a lot, but ultimately lovely. God has made amazing people all around the world, and I’m excited to meet them. You are so very welcome to join in whether or not you’re a Christian or religious at all! I think you’ll find lots of applicable content either way, and I’m so happy and honored to have you.
Much Love,
Audrey Ann
A Postcard from Home
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What's Your Story?
(I'd love to hear it!)
Do you move around a lot, or have you in the past?
To be featured on my blog and Instagram, you can share your story (in about 500-1000 words). Pitch your idea here, and I’ll be in touch.
Topics I’m looking for:
Friendship (both local and long-distance)
Making your new house feel like home
Helping your children adapt
Keeping traditions from your former home
Collecting pieces from the various places you’ve lived
Learning how to cook indigenous foods
What have you learned? What was hard? What was fun?
What are your five tips?